Account Request System
UNO Account Request System Request APPROVAL Walkthrough
The following walkthrough is intended to aide users who are trying to approve a request. You would have received an email if there is a request awaiting your approval. If you did not receive an email, chances are this walkthrough is not for you. We are going to assume that you have successfully logged into the account request system. If that is not true, then please click on the Start Full Walkthrough Now button below. Otherwise, please follow the directions below.
Your inbox is the first tab in the User Center. This is where all of the requests requiring your actions will be displayed. The inbox tab is circled in red in the image below.
Please select the type of request you are trying to approve from the table below. The request type can be found circled in green in the image above. Click on the continue button in the inbox on the request you are trying to approve.
The UNO Account Request System is built to authorize many types of accounts. Please select the type of account you want to approve from the table below.
Type |
EPM (PeopleSoft Data Warehouse) |
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for PeopleSoft |
SIS / PeopleSoft |
Tivoli / BNUID |
WebFocus / Reporting |